About Me

Namaste, I am Ruchi Pahuja Pesricha. I am a Spiritual Healer, Yoga Teacher, and a Life Coach. I would like to share with you my personal experience of How I was introduced to Spirituality and, how these spiritual modalities over the years helped me to grow as a person.

Allow me to take you through my spiritual journey

I started my journey 11 years back in June 2012. I was a beautician and hair stylist back then. Although been into this profession for 11 years, I was facing many challenges. I was going through financial instability, a bad relationship, and my introvert nature. My business was sinking, and everything was going haywire. I had no clarity as to what was to be done regarding personal and professional life.

My client (and now a very good friend) introduced me to Reiki and my Master (guru). She guided me the benefits of Reiki and pushed me to learn for my growth. It's only because of my decision of joining the level 1 Reiki Batch ‘I am what I am today’. Reiki helped me know myself better, heal my past wounds, heal my relationships, made me strong to overcome an abusive relationship I was in. It opened new doors for me as I started to embrace myself. It gave me immense clarity regarding everything to make wise decisions.

I always remember my Master’s (guru whom I call ‘Amma’) words in every situation - Acceptance, Unconditional Love, compassion, and forgiveness. These are not just words, but big life lessons one can learn and follow. She has been my support system and my guide ever since. She believed in me even when I refused to believe in myself.

As I was working on my self-growth, I was keen on learning new modalities and helping others. I learned Angelic Healing in 2015, Akashic Records Reading in 2016, Yoga in 2016. Ever since there has been no looking back. I got miraculous results for my healing cases and readings. In my journey, I learned it's all about your faith. Faith on your Master (guru), and complete surrender to your guru. The biggest example I give my clients of faith is my marriage.

I always prayed for guidance from my Masters to help me know and understand to take the right decision for my marriage. And, they helped in this aspect as well. Being poles apart me and my husband find perfection in our imperfections. We support each other in our growth as an individual. It's only because of complete surrender to my masters I found Him and this beautiful relationship.

Furthermore, I learned Akashic Records Healing and it helped me to believe in myself and that we create our own destiny by making choices at every step. It helped me to make wise decisions, to know why certain life pattern happened to me and find solutions to them. I learned forgiveness, letting go, and how our decisions impact our life.

Yoga taught me to breathe correctly which most of us aren't aware of. The importance of physical fitness to go deeper into meditation. It helped me in weight loss, aligning myself at all levels.

Angelic Healing helped me in manifesting on a faster level and to gain guidance through readings. Whereas MTHS helped me in releasing baggage, clearing blockages in my path, opening new doors, healing myself deep inside, karma releasing, and much more.

Spirituality helped in a much deeper level than I can express in words. The best we can do for ourselves is to find ourselves to become a happy, peaceful, balanced and joyful person. I am here to assist you in doing so.

I am Ruchi Pahuja Pesricha - I'm thankful and grateful that you are here! Love and Light!


(+91) 9833779735


Central Suburb
Mumbai, MH 400078